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General News Articles

Feeders Feeding More Milk Pays Off

Feeders Feeding More Milk Pays Off

More Milk More Growth

Article from Dairy NZ Pamu Study reveals intersting but undestandable results 

Created 08 July 2024

Housing Cows Could Help Mitigate Methane

Housing Cows Could Help Mitigate Methane

Housing Cows Environmentally Sound

Created 18 May 2023

Hey Presto Here Is A Quality Shed

Hey Presto Here Is A Quality Shed

For Your Rv, Staff Shelter, Equipment Storage, Stock Handling So Many Uses

Preso Sheds are agreat NZ made solution to many shelter and cover problems 

Created 08 February 2023

Bobby Calves  Create New Opportunities

Bobby Calves Create New Opportunities

Rearing For Beef Production

Created 03 February 2023

Goat And Sheep Milking

Goat And Sheep Milking

With more farmers involved in the Goat and Sheep milking industry TechniPharm is enhancing its profile in this sector with some of its make farming ezy solutions 

Created 15 December 2021

Blame It On The Worms

Blame It On The Worms

De Carbonising The World

Created 07 December 2021

Compost Barns Research Paper ( Nl)

Compost Barns Research Paper ( Nl)

Bedded Pack Barns

See also opinion article by Harmen Heesen 

Created 03 December 2021

To Compost Barn Or Not To Compost Barn

To Compost Barn Or Not To Compost Barn

( See Also Research Paper Bedded Pack Barns

Opinion peace of hidden running cost and capital investment realities and pathogen risk 

Created 03 December 2021

Effluent And Methane

Effluent And Methane

Created 03 December 2021

Whey Powder For Lambs ?

Whey Powder For Lambs ?

Created 03 November 2021

Farming Nz Future Thoughts

Farming Nz Future Thoughts

Food Production Not What It Used To Be ?

some future thougts of what could happen 

Created 01 July 2021

Stud Bull Catalogue 2021

Stud Bull Catalogue 2021

Technipharm Infinity Yards For Stud Farming

Created 10 May 2021

Humus Facts And Myths

Humus Facts And Myths

Extracted From Dlg Mag May 2021

Created 05 May 2021

Environment And Energy Award

Environment And Energy Award

Magnation Key To Non Intrusive Water Treatment

Created 03 August 2020

Technipharm Profile

Technipharm Profile

Fieldays On Line

Created 03 August 2020

Fermenting And Soil Organics

Fermenting And Soil Organics

Research On Soil Organics Delivers Interesting Outcomes

Soil managemnt is always an intersting subject of discussion, much is still unknown, but as the world is looking for solutions of weanig itself off oil and chemicals interesting solutions emerge 

Created 03 August 2020

Twin Oak Angus

Twin Oak Angus

Bull Sale 2020

Our team was fortunate to attend this year Bull sale at Twin Oak where some years ago we installed a High Performance Yard and Highflow 260 Cattle Handler and auto drafter .

We congratulate Roger and Susan with yet an outstanding sale .

Top price 40k with a couple of other lots going for around 25k, then between 8 and 11k with the lower prices around 4-5k. Total Bulls for sale 48.

R&S happy with the sale considering the current environment and grateful they were able to have the sale with the lifting of group restriction from 10 to 100.

Yards looked in very good order and is a credit to what was designed for the purpose and installed at the time.

Created 08 June 2020

Water, Is There Enough?

Water, Is There Enough?

Report On Global Water Sources And Supply

Mc Kensey and company report on Global water

Created 08 May 2020

Pain Relief For Lame Cows

Pain Relief For Lame Cows

Why Not?

By Vet South

For many of us when treating lame cows, the standard treatment is to do a corrective trim of the problem area and if it is a moderate or severe lameness then apply a hoof block to the other claw. This has been the standard treatment for many years, however only a small percentage of farmers and vets consider using a pain relief/anti-inflammatory on top of this eg. Metacam, Key, or Rimadyl. When we actually stop to think about this, it is quite interesting why pain relief is not commonly used. Lameness is described as being one of the most painful conditions for a dairy cow. This is easily seen with a lame cow limping down the track, instantaneously dropping their milk production, rapidly losing condition and having very poor fertility. The aim should be to return these cows back to normality as soon as possible so they can become productive again, and to minimise the welfare concerns of that cow.

A recent study shows the effectiveness of different treatments for lame cows. This study showed a drastic improvement of cure rates when adding a pain relief on top of the standard treatments. Newly lame cows were given 1 of 4 different treatment regimes, they were then assessed to identify their cure* rates 35 days post the initial treatment.

The following cure rates were observed:
- Corrective trim only 25%
- Corrective trim + hoof block 36%
- Corrective trim + 3 days of pain relief 29%
- Corrective trim + hoof block + 3 days of pain relief 56%

This study shows that by a large margin the most successful treatment is adding in a hoof block and 3 days of pain relief on top of corrective trimming. When comparing this treatment regime to corrective trimming alone, it more than doubles the cure rate**. When the treatment period shortens the cow will improve their productivity, condition and fertility faster, hence in the long run will be more profitable. This is particularly important with lame cows early on in the season or during mating.

Next time when treating lame cows consider using some pain relief to get better and faster cure rates, this is definitely going to become the normal treatment regime over time. Have a yarn to your KeyVet about which type of pain relief is best for your farm systems.

*cure = a DairyNZ locomotion score of 0 after 35 days since treated

** The difference in cure rates between treatment regime 1 and 4 was statistically significant

Evaluation of treatments for claw horn lesions in dairy cows in a randomized controlled trial (H. J Thomas et al). Journal of Dairy Science 2015

Created 08 April 2020

Tactical Use Of Nitrogen

Tactical Use Of Nitrogen

Climate Change 'best Practise'

Helpful article in respect of best use of N

Created 29 January 2020