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Case Studies - Presto Sheds™

The project listed here are a snapshot of what we have done over the years, projects are listed in year order, latest ones first, older ones last.

A snap shot of a project may give you a quick way to establish if any of our make farming ezy product solutions would work for you. We can also put you in contact with the farmer related to the project if you feel its beneficial to have a chat.

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Presto Price and Joy  7.4 meters long 3.5 wide, 3000 High at knee 

Year Completed: 2024




Provide a clear space cover for Campervan 


Presto model Price and joy 

Client Testimonial:

ze: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;>We just wanted to share a few photos of the Presto Shed for our Motorhome carport we got from Technipharm.

ze: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;>We are very happy with the construction quality. 


Presto shed completedSide viewClear light for solar charge
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Presto Shed for storage caravan 

Year Completed: 2024




Provide for storage and protection water ingress for Caravan, tight turn in cirle, solar trickle charge required 


Site specific Prestoshed with roof overhang to provide for cover while maintaining truss further back for turning circle space, clear light roofing for solar trickle charge 

Client Testimonial:

available on request 


First thing, get the frame up and levelled, square  and plumbStarting to look like a Presto ShedGot dark by the time the install team left, great sunset, Presto shed ready for business
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Presto shed  Orchard for Team Shelter 

Year Completed: 2022


Southern Cross Orchards Pyes Pa (Tauranga ) 


Provide for easy access shelter for people and gear. Ideally re locatuion should be easy and possible if needed in future 


Presto shed 6 by 6 with coloursteel roof and driven in ground anchors to allow for easy relocation . Level metal/ rock pad provided by client 


Great shed, easy build, 1 day 2 people and its up and ready
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Presto Shed Handler Cover 

Year Completed: 2022




Inseminating cattle requires the area where this happens to be free of direct sun light( UV) as this kills semen. A solution had to be provided to provide shelter from the UV rays, but at the same time improve the working area. 


ze: medium; letter-spacing: normal;>Linda van Eyks Belted Galoway stud the Smart Yards have been in place for some years  and this neat instant build Prestoshed  addition was just the ticket meeting all criteria. 

Client Testimonial:

Great solution and nice work, impressed 


Concrete pad and shedConcrete pad and shedConcrete pad and shed
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PrestoShed for Truck cover 

Year Completed: 2022




Create a cover for the work truck/ loaded up and tools 


Presto Shed extended height 


Under constructionFinal productExisting Structure wooden retainer walls only, concrete blocks added for separation and back wall
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Presto Shed Feed Storage Bin

Year Completed: 2019

Location: Rerewhakaaitu


Provide removable roof for existing structure bins with objective to keep feed dry and clean


PrestoShed Roof ( retractable) with gutters for rain diversion. New divider wall and rear wall ( concrete blocks)